Posting Limits

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Posting Limits

Post by MasterMatt »

I have been asked several questions about the posting limits here. I though that it would be a good idea to share with the group so that everyone knows what to expect with your experience here.

Q: Why don't my posts show up immediately?
A: New members of the forum are placed on a moderation que. This means that your first 20 posts have to be approved by a moderator on the forum. We do this to keep out the spammers. After you have made 20 posts, your posts will start to show up immediately. We're still watching and reading everything, but you will no longer need to be approved after 20.

Q: Why can I not send Personal Messages with the PM System?
A: New members of the forum do not have access to the PM system. They can receive messages but cannot send them until after they have posted a minimum of 20 times.

I know that this is a pain but we do this to keep the forums a fun, spam free place to be and we do our very best to keep out the spammers and evil doers.

Q: Why does my profile say that I'm a "Newbie"?
A: These are what is known as groups. It's an easy way for users of the forum to see how much experience a member has and how long they have been here. As you post, your group title will automatically change.

1 - 20 posts = Newbie
21 - 100 posts =Member
101+ posts = VIP Member (Right now, this is the highest rank that a member can achieve.)
Moderators = Moderator
Paid Advertisers = Advertiser
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